Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

Corporate Name Kubota Corporation
Division Precision Equipment Division
Kyuhoji Business Center 2-35, Jinmu-cho, Yao-city
Osaka 581-8686 Japan
TEL +81-72-993-1897
FAX +81-72-993-2829
Head Office 2-47, Shikitsuhigashi 1-chome,
Naniwa-ku, Osaka 556-8601 Japan
TEL +81-6-6648-2111
FAX +81-6-6648-3862
Board of Directors Chairman and Representative Director
Masatoshi Kimata

President and Representative Director
Yuichi Kitao
Executive Vice President and Representative Director
Masato Yoshikawa

Established 1890
Capital ¥84.1 billion (as of December31, 2021)
Revenue(Consolidated) ¥2,196.8 billion (Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2021)
Net sales(Non-consolidated) ¥1,075.0 billion (Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2021)
Number of employees
43,293 (as of December 31, 2021)
*The number of full-time employees.
Number of employees
11,711 (as of December 31, 2021)
*The number of full-time employees.

For more information

Kubota has also been contributing to solving global issues in many fields, as food, water and environment.

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